GOOD EVENING BROTHERS, We hope that everyone is continuing to stay safe and healthy during these unprecedented times! It is easy to say that the year 2020 (and to this current day), has been one of the strangest periods of time in Delta Sigma Pi, as well as United States history. In the blink of an eye, we went from our normal, busy working lives to suddenly a world filled with uncertainty, fear, virtual get togethers, virtual offices, mask & vaccination mandates, and so on and so forth. The COVID pandemic has quite literally affected every individual, family, school, and/or business in some shape or form across the globe. From the bottom of our hearts, we want every Brother to know that you have been in our thoughts & prayers throughout this entire worldwide pandemic era. Please do not hesitate to reach out to members of our Fraternity if you need anything at all; even simply someone to talk to. #WeAre always there for a Brother in need! NOW, to end this post on an even m...