
Alumni Day 2023

We are New Englanders, so... 🎶"The (rain and) cold never bothered us anyway!🎶 And congrats again to Mike DelSapio on receiving the Anthony F. Fernandez Alumni Service Award and thank him for all he has done for the BAC this year. And thank you to the staff and owners of Crue Brew Brewery for the hospitality and tour! 💜💛#PTBAD 🦞The elements didn't stop us from having a great alumni celebration at Crue Brew today! Thank you to everyone who came out today.  

2020: A Year That We Will Never Forget

GOOD EVENING BROTHERS, We hope that everyone is continuing to stay safe and healthy during these unprecedented times! It is easy to say that the year 2020 (and to this current day), has been one of the strangest periods of time in Delta Sigma Pi, as well as United States history.  In the blink of an eye, we went from our normal, busy working lives to suddenly a world filled with uncertainty, fear, virtual get togethers, virtual offices, mask & vaccination mandates, and so on and so forth. The COVID pandemic has quite literally affected every individual, family, school, and/or business in some shape or form across the globe. From the bottom of our hearts, we want every Brother to know that you have been in our thoughts & prayers throughout this entire worldwide pandemic era. Please do not hesitate to reach out to members of our Fraternity if you need anything at all; even simply someone to talk to. #WeAre always there for a Brother in need! NOW, to end this post on an even m...

Welcome new Officers

The BAC held their annual summer BBQ on June 8th.  Thanks to everybody who attended and brought some great food.  It was a great time had by all enjoying the sun and fraternal relations. Elections to the e-board were held and some new faces were added to the team. Congratulations to our new e-board. Kristyn Washikowski - President Spencer Polsgrove - VP Chapter Operations TK Zavala - VP Collegiate Relations Mike Gesamondo - VP Activities Kevin Lim - VP Finance Gary Perez - VP Media

2018 Rose Games

Calling all brothers!! The Delta Sigma Pi Rose Games are back starting this year.  Brothers from around the region and from different schools have worked hard to coordinate the Rose Games this year. WHEN: Saturday April 14th at 12:00pm. WHERE: Northeastern University in Boston Mass. Members of Delta Sigma Pi may sign up for the Rose Games using the link below. Rose Games Registration Link So come on out and join brothers from all over the region for a day of fun, food and great times with great brothers.

New Chapter at University of Rhode Island

Dear New England Brothers, With great pleasure I share with you the following news: in accordance with our bylaws the Board of Directors has approved the petition of the Rhode Island Colony to charter our newest collegiate chapter, to be installed as Phi Chi Chapter at the University of Rhode Island in Kingston, RI on Saturday, April 1. Specific details for the time and location for the initiation and installation banquet will be forthcoming over the next few weeks, but I hop e you will consider joining us to officially welcome them to our fraternity. For those brothers who wish to join us for the pledging ceremony it will be held on Wednesday, February 22, at 7PM, 1st floor of Ballentine Hall. Welcome and congratulation's Phi Chi for the phenomenal work you have done this past year working towards this point, it is well deserved! I look forward to celebrating your continued accomplishments! Fraternally, Dan Collins

What to expect in 2017

Brothers, Happy New Year! Here is an update on Boston Alumni Chapter activities.  1. We are phasing out use of Yahoo and Evite. Beginning in 2017, all communication and event invitations will be handled through our Facebook group,  Boston Alumni Chapter Deltasigs . Please  join the group  so you don't miss out! If you are unable to join the Facebook group but still want to receive updates, send your request to .  2. Here are our events for the next 6 months. All are posted on the Facebook group and on our  Calendar page . Hope to see you there! Jan 25 (Wed) - Not Your Average Joe’s in Westwood (University Ave) @ 7pm Feb 25 (Sat) - Tubing at Nashoba Valley @ 1pm ; Dinner at British Beer Co in Westford @ 5pm Mar 29 (Wed) - Happy Hour TBD; Dinner at Durgin Park at Faneuil Hall @ 7pm May 24 (Wed) - Happy Hour at Atlantic Beer Garden @ 5:30pm ; dinner at Rosa Mexicano in Boston (Seaport) @ 7pm Jun 10 (Sa...

Coming Changes

During the 6/26 executive board meeting the way in which we go about inviting people to our events was discussed in detail. Historically the chapter has relied on the use of to distribute invites.  However we have seen a decline in responses to these invites and a decline in attendance.  This could be due in part to younger alumni members using different channels of communication as well as an increasing amount of e-mail address that may no longer be active. As a result the executive board has decided to begin utilize Facebook for inviting people to chapter events..  As a central hub for communications using Facebook to plan and promote chapter events is expected to yield positive results, raise attendance as well as increase our invite audience.  Additionally, Facebook events can be deeply integrated in to the current website to enable unified communications between platforms helping to ensure the information you read about our events is accurate no ma...